Course Materials
Course Kits
TA hours
Intro to Programming Videos
Advanced Topics
DAC and ADC Tutorial
SD Card Data Logging
DC Motor Control
Student Projects
Awesome Prizes
Fall 2020 Projects
Fall 2016 Awesome Prize Winners
Fall 2016 Projects
Spring 2016 Awesome Prize Winners
Spring 2016 Projects
Fall 2015 Awesome Prize Winners
Fall 2015 Projects
Spring 2015 Awesome Prize Winners
Spring 2015 Projects
Fall 2014 Projects
Spring 2014 Projects
Course Hardware:
Arduino Kit
This is one of the larger 'Arduino kits' as they can be found on ebay or Ali Express from several Chinese vendors.
Kit Contents:
1 X Arduino Uno R3 clone
1 X USB Cable
1 X RFID module
1 X RFID Rectangle tag
1 X RFID Round tag
1 X HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ranging Module
1 X Tilt Switch sensor module
1 X Touch pad sensor module
1 X Sound sensor module
1 X 5V relay module
1 X SG90 9G servo
1 X Stepper Motor
1 X ULN2003 Motor driver module
1 X 5V Buzzer
1 X lm35 Temperature Sensor
1 X IIC 1602 LCD
1 X 4pin IIC cable
1 X Breadboard
1 X Bundle breadboard jumper wires
1 X 10pin Female to female cable
1 X IR controller (w/o battery)
1 X IR transmitter
1 X IR receiver
3 X red button switch
3 X yellow button switch
5 X Mini Push Button Switches
1 X 8*8 Matrix LEDs
1 X 7 seg-4digit LED Display
2 X Colorful LED
10 X Green 3mm LEDs
10 X Yellow 3mm LEDs
10 X Red 3mm LEDs
5 X 2N2222 Transistor
5 X Transistor NPN 2N3906
5 X Transistor NPN 2N3904
5 X Diode 1N4148
5 X Diode 1N4001
2 X 100 μF Electrolytic Capacitor
2 X 1μF Electrolytic Capacitor
2 X 10μF Electrolytic Capacitor
5 X 10nf Ceramic Capacitor
5 X 100nf Ceramic Capacitor
5 X 22pf Ceramic Capacitor
1 X 10K Photoresistor
1 X 10K Rotary Potentiometer
10 X 10 kΩ Resistors
10 X 470Ω Resistors
10 X 220Ω Resistors
10 X 1KΩ Resistors