Videos: Introduction to Programming
The videos below discuss the basic commands and functions of the Arduino C++ language. They assume that you are familiar with the Arduino on a basic level. If you are completely new to the Arduino, please, watch Videos 1-6 at They will get you up to speed for the Intro to Programming videos presented here. The Arduino sketches (programs) developed in the videos are posted below the videos as applicable. They are posted as .zip files, i.e. you need to unpack them and then put the resulting folder with the .ino file into your 'sketches' folder of your Arduino installation. Don't forget to restart your Arduino IDE after adding the folder. Otherwise, you will not see it in the 'Sketchbook'. You can also directly start the Arduino IDE from the unpacked file by double-clicking on the .ino file in the folders.
Video 1 discusses microcontrollers and how they can influence the real world by executing a command line in the program code.
Video 2 discusses the use of control structures and program loops.
Video 3 discusses basic logic gates and Boolean operators in C++.
Video 4 discusses the evaluation of conditionals in C++ control structures.
It is based on the Arduino sketch posted under Video 3. |
Video 5 discusses the basics of variables and type definitions. Type defs are used to tell the compiler how much memory we need and what type of variables we use in our c++ program.
Video 6 explains how 'char' variables store text characters and how to tell the serial monitor to print variables in a certain format via 'format specifiers'
Video 7 introduces to indexable numerical arrays. It demonstrates how to address array elements in a for-loop, and also points out a few of the risks inherent to using arrays in C++ programs.
Video 8 discusses the use of char arrays for storing text (or "strings") in the Arduino memory. We also explore a couple interesting C++ commands for handling strings. For that we visit, where a complete reference of the C++ language can be found.
Video 9 discusses binary numbers and how they translate into decimal numbers. The video also explores what the largest numbers are that can be stored in int and byte variables.