Week 13. Deliverable 6:
Deliverable 6 will count 4% towards your final grade. To receive a grade for Deliverable 6 the Arduino sketch needs to have all functions implemented (note: this does not mean that the code cannot be further improved until the final demonstration of the completed project, but the code discussed in the video needs to be fully functional). All students will submit a short (3 min max) video discussing their Arduino sketch. The videos must be uploaded before the deadline to the corresponding Canvas Assignment. All videos must be in at least 1280 x 720 pixel HD mp4 format and use the title template posted below at the beginning, and the author of the video must introduce him/herself at the beginning.

Deliverable 6 Title.pptx | |
File Size: | 1393 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
The 3 min video needs to show the following:
Late submissions:
- A brief (30s to 1min) intro to your project. Show your current version of the 3D simulation and show your breadboarded circuit. Briefly and concisely explain how your control system relates to the project hardware.
- Follow the introduction with a detailed discussion of your Arduino sketch (2 min). Explain the code for all major functions of your project. You do not have to go into detail, but you need to make clear what approach you are using. Example: "Pushbutton one activates the stepper motor to go to the right. The button triggers interrupt 0 on pin 2. Whenever the interrupt is called the status variable "switchonestatus" is set to 1. This is used in the main loop to detect whether the button was pressed. If it was pressed, the case structure determines the light situation on the photodetector. The photodetector uses the comparator interrupt to detect a low light situation. The comparator interrupt is serviced by the ISR on tab 3. The ISR sets the status variable for the detector to 1 whenever the light crosses a threshold of 257"...and so on.
- To get 70 points: Make sure that all program lines in your sketch are appropriately commented in a way that someone living outside your head can understand the sketch without needing to take to you. Make sure that your sketch is well-organized. Use tabs and leave space between program sections to make clear what belongs together.
- To get 100: Make a nice video! "A" stands for 'awesome'! Watch your video before uploading it to Canvas and remedy deficiencies.
Late submissions:
- Up to one hour: 10 pts penalty.
- Later than one hour: 20 pts penalty.
- Submissions later than 24 hrs will not be accepted without valid excuse (doctor's note, accident report etc...).